A growth company with both feet on the ground
Bygghemma Group First AB’s annual shareholders' meeting for the financial year 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2018 was held 15 May 2019 in Malmö, Sweden.
Please find relevant AGM documentation below.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2019 (Swedish)
Bygghemma Group’s nomination committee for the 2019 annual general meeting
Corporate governance Report 2018
Evaluation of remunerations for the CEO and other senior executives
Proposal for resolution regarding the issue of warrants within the scope of LTIP
Proposal regarding authorization for the board of directors to repurchase and transfer own shares
Proposal regarding guidelines for the determination of remuneration to senior executives
The board of directors’ of Bygghemma Group AB statement
The nomination committee’s proposal to the AGM 2019
The auditors statement according to Chapter 8 Section 54 (Swedish)
Proposal regarding principles for appointment of a nomination committee